実験設備 / Experimental Facility

大型境界層風洞 温度成層風洞 密度成層水槽
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel (BLWT) Thermally Stratified Wind Tunnel (TSWT) Density Stratified Water Tank (DSWT)

Thermally Stratified Wind Tunnel (TSWT); 1992.03~

en_TSWT-1 en_TSWT-1
Type Open Circuit, Suction
Air-Flow Heating Unit Height 3.0[cm]×40 Story Structure
Test Section
Floor Unit
Wind Speed
Independently Controllable Heating Unit (10 Pannels, 4 to 80[℃])
0.1 to 2.0[m/s]
Probe Carriage Systems X-direction 12.0[m], Y-direction 1.0[m], Z-direction 0.6[m]
(Controllable from Software)


Severe downslope wind under stable stratifications

Severe downslope wind under stable stratifications

Volcanic gas diffusion from Miyake-jima

Volcanic gas diffusion from Miyake-jima1 Volcanic gas diffusion from Miyake-jima2 Volcanic gas diffusion from Miyake-jima3