Affiliation and e-mail
Notice for students
My student advisee can choose the following category 1 or 2 (Planetary atmospheric modeling or Marine meteorology), and study hard to develop the research with the student's interest to a higher level. My Japanese master students need to attend Seminar on Physical Oceanography (M5852) at the first grade (M1).
Research activity
Publication list of papers, book chapters, and reviews (Japanese)
1. Planetary atmospheric modeling
One of our main researches is atmospheric modeling toward deeply understanding geophysical fluid dynamics and climate of planetary atmospheres. We have examined atmospheric dynamics of Venus' superrotation and polar vortexes, based on data analyses of model outputs. Sensitivity experiments for atmospheric and astronomical key parameters have been conducted, to elucidate dynamical aspects of circulation patterns of planetary atmospheres.
Venus atmospheric general circulation model
- The Fully Developed Superrotation Simulated by a General Circulation Model of a Venus-like Atmosphere (J. Atmos. Sci. 60, 561, 2003)
- Dynamics of Venus' superrotation: the eddy momentum transport processes newly found in a GCM (Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L09701,2004)
- Superrotation Maintained by Meridional Circulation and Waves in a Venus-Like AGCM (J. Atmos. Sci. 63, 3296, 2006)
Venus planetary-scale waves and superrotation
- Formation and Maintenance of the 4-Day Circulation in the Venus Middle Atmosphere (J. Atmos. Sci. 54, 1472, 1997)
- Blocky Markings and Planetary-Scale Waves in the Equatorial Cloud Layer of Venus, (J. Atmos. Sci. 58, 365, 2001)
- Venusian middle-atmospheric dynamics in the presence of a strong planetary-scale 5.5-day wave (Icarus 217, 702, 2012)
Venus atmospheric convection
- Gravity waves and convection cells resulting from feedback heating of Venus' lower clouds (J. Meteor. Soc. Japan 81, 885, 2003)
- Microscale simulations of Venus’ convective adjustment and mixing near the surface: thermal and material transport (Icarus 211, 993, 2011)
- Idealized numerical experiments on microscale eddies in the Venusian cloud layer (Earth Planets Space 66, 27, 2014)
Geophysical fluid dynamics of planetary atmospheres
- A parametric study of atmospheric superrotation on Venus-like planets: effects of oblique angle of planetary rotation axis (Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L16202, 2007)
- Prograde and retrograde atmospheric rotation of cloud-covered terrestrial planets: Significance of astronomical parameters in the middle atmosphere (Astron. Astrophys. 490, L11, 2008)
- Dynamical effects of solar heating below the cloud layer in a Venus-like atmosphere (J. Geophy. Res. 114, E12004, 2009)
Microphysics of Venus clouds
- The Venusian Y-shaped Cloud Pattern Based on an Aerosol-Transport Model (J. Atmos. Sci. 55, 1400, 1998)
- An aerosol transport model based on a two-moment microphysical parameterization in the Venus middle atmosphere: Model description and preliminary experiments (J. Geophy. Res. 111, E08002, 2006)
2. Marine meteorology (atmospheric dynamics)
Meteorological impacts of oceanic processes in marginal seas and their related atmospheric dynamics are also investigated in the RIAM’s projects.
Atmospheric circulation and precipitation
- Regional atmospheric simulation of monthly precipitation using high-resolution SST obtained from an ocean assimilation model: Application to the wintertime Japan Sea (Mon. Wea. Rev. 137, 2164, 2009)
- Possible modification of atmospheric circulation over the northwestern Pacific induced by a small semi-enclosed ocean (Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L03804, 2011)
- Cloud-resolving simulation of heavy snowfalls in Japan for late December 2005: application of ocean data assimilation to a snow disaster case (Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences11, 2555, 2011)
Extratropical cyclones
- Impact of SST reanalyzed using OGCM on weather simulation: A case of a developing cyclone in the Japan-Sea area (Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L05808, 2007)
- Rapid merger and recyclogenesis of twin extratropical cyclones leading to heavy precipitation around Japan on 9-10 October 2001 (Meteorological Applications 19, 36, 2012)
- Effects of a semi-enclosed ocean on extratropical cyclogenesis: the dynamical processes around the Japan Sea on 23-25 January 2008 (J. Geophy. Res. 118, 10391, 2013)
Cold-air outbreaks
- Influence of assimilated SST on regional atmospheric simulation: A case of a cold-air outbreak over the Japan Sea (Atmos. Sci. Lett. 9, 13, 2008)
- Interannual and synoptic-scale features of two types of cold-air outbreaks over the East China Sea during 1988–2006 (Theor. Appl. Climatol. 103, 291, 2011)
Tropical cyclones
- Meteorological impacts of sea-surface temperature associated with the humid airflow from Tropical Cyclone Talas (2011) (Ann. Geophys. 32, 841, 2014)
3. Microphysics (numerical methods)
Although I developed accurate and/or efficient numerical methods for aerosol dynamics simulations, I have yet to apply them to atmospheric modeling.
- A Solver for Aerosol Condensation Equation by Semi-Lagrangian Scheme with Correction Exactly Conserving Total Particle Number (Aerosol Sci. Tech. 38, 1033, 2004)
- Numerical error analysis of solvers using cumulative number distribution with volume-ratio grid spacing in initially particle-free nucleation-condensation systems (Aerosol Air Qual Res. 12, 1125, 2012)
- A Moment Method of the Log-Normal Size Distribution with the Critical Size Limit in the Free-Molecular Regime (Aerosol Sci. Tech. 47, 725, 2014)