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Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group Meeting
US-EU Transport Task Force Workshop
Jul. 6-9, 2021
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Call for Abstracts

The international Program Committee invites submissions of abstracts on any of the scientific topics selected this year.
Please, follow the instructions below, and prepare your abstract in the form of a one page PDF document.

Abstract submission

All contributed abstracts must be submitted electronically on this website.
File name should be: Topic number-Author last name.pdf (example: 2-Smith.pdf). If you present more than one paper in one topic, please put sequential numbers in the file name (example: 2-Smith-1.pdf, 2-Smith-2.pdf c)
After submission you will receive an email to confirm receipt of your abstract. If you have not received this email within 3 working days after submission please contact the Conference Organisers.

<< Abstract submission page>>

Abstract format guidelines

Instructions for abstract formatting are contained in Word Template and LaTeX Template. Guidelines are described below.

 Page size:  A4 (297mm by 210 mm) - vertical orientation
 Margins:  Margins 25mm all around
 Length:  The abstract may be text only or contain figures and graphics, but must be only one page
 Layout: Title: single-spaced, 14-point size, Times New Roman Font, bold
Authors: single-spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font
Affiliation: single-spaced, 11-point size, centered, Times New Roman Font, italic
E-mail address of the presenting author: single-spaced, 11-point size, centered, Times New Roman Font, italic
Text: single spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font.

Authors must make sure that their files do not include copyrighted fonts or other impediments for reproduction.


Kyushu University
6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga, Fukuoka, 816-8580

For inquiries and information

Jointly Supported by
the grant-in-aid for specially promoted research (17H06089) of JSPS and by the collaboration programs of the RIAM of Kyushu University and of NIFS.