
1/14   Tianran Liu
Keidai Masaki
 OTEC power potential estimation at the Aguni Basin using a high-resolution ocean model
 Effect of sea surface temperature on torrential rain that occurred in Tsushima Island On September 1, 2015
1/8   Taro Motoshima Global ocean modeling for thermal energy estimation
11/26   Katsumi Takayama Development of the observation data by fisheries boats assimilating into the high resolution ocean circulation model
9/20   Yohei Onuki
Kim Haejin

Katsumi Takayama
Jiangwei Cao

Keidai Masaki
 Direct numerical simulation of turbulence generated by local instability of internal gravity wave
 Biological contribution to the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the Japan Sea based on a coupled physical-biogeochemical model
 Long term prediction of dissolved oxygen concentration in the deep layer of the Japan Sea
 Estimation of Tidal Motion from Wide-Swath Ocean Satellite Altimeter Data through the Observing System Simulation Experiments
 Factors behind the torrential rain that occurred in Tsushima on September 1, 2015
9/12   Keidai Masaki The cause of the heavy rainfall that occurred in Tsushima on September 1, 2015
9/6   Keidai Masaki Causes of torrential rain on remote islands and the effect of sea surface temperature
8/19   Katsumi Takayama Summer school for studying data assimilation
8/5   Jiangwei Cao Estimation of Tidal Motion from Wide-Swath Ocean Satellite Altimeter Data through the Observing System Simulation Experiments
7/22   Tianran Liu
Taro Motoshima
 Estimation of OtecPower potential in the Aguni Basin
 Effects of tidally induced eddies on sporadic Kuroshio-water intrusion (kyucho)
7/18   Tianran Liu Estimation of OtecPower potential in the Aguni Basin
7/9   Katsumi Takayama Long term prediction of dissolved oxygen concentration in the deep layer of the Japan Sea
7/9   Keidai Masaki The cause of the heavy rainfall that occurred in Tsushima on September 1, 2015
7/9   Jiangwei Cao Estimation of Tidal Motion from Wide-Swath Ocean Satellite Altimeter Data through the Observing System Simulation Experiments
7/9   Naoki Hirose Estimation of Tidal Motion from Wide-Swath Ocean Satellite Altimeter Data through the Observing System Simulation Experiments
6/25   Katsumi Takayama Long term change of dissolved oxygen concentration in the deep layer of the Japan Sea predicted by physical-biogeochemical coupled model
6/18   Keidai Masaki Introducing the causes of heavy rainfall
6/10   Jiangwei Cao The Accuracy of Wide-Swath Ocean Satellite Altimeter to Tides Revealed by the Observing System Simulation Experiments
6/4   Yohei Onuki
Jiangwei Cao
 Local decomposition of waves in the ocean and atmosphere
 The Accuracy of Wide-Swath Ocean Satellite Altimeter to Tide Revealed by the Observing System Simulation Experiments
5/29   Tianran Liu Estimation of ocean thermal energy potential in the Aguni Basin
5/28   Jiangwei Cao Presentation practice of Master's thesis
5/13   OMG member How to use an ocean viewer: preparation for campus open day
5/7   Taro Motoshima Drifters simulation of red tide dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi in Imari Bay
4/23    Jiangwei Cao Sensitivity to Observation of Sea Surface Height
4/9   Naoki Hirose
Katsumi Takayama
Yohei Onuki
 Introduction to our laboratory
4/3   Keidai Masaki The influence of sea surface temperature on the July, 2018 heavy rain