RIAM, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University

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  • Announcement for Joint Research Proposals, 2024
  • 2. Subject Fields for Joint Research

2-4. Renewable Energy Dynamics

( 1 ) Designated Joint Research

Designated Joint Research 2, 3 and 4 are related to the field of Renewable Energy Dynamics.

( 2 ) International Joint Research

The limitation on the future use of fossil fuels is clear and the security of alternative energy sources is an important subject when considering effective energy resources of the future. Furthermore, as concerns for environmental issues grow, the increased development and application of renewable and clean energy are anticipated. Among others, wind energy, solar energy and ocean energy technologies are about to play key roles in the new energy field. The objective of this division is to clarify the dynamic processes in efficient wind energy utilization, efficient solar energy absorption and ocean energy utilization and to develop new energy devices based on these dynamics. There are five sections with activities described on our home page.

A large number of our staff is involved in research on the new generation energy project at Kyushu University.

( 3 ) Early Career Joint Research

Joint research related to the research content indicated in "(2) International Joint Research" section is welcome. On an application, please contact with your RIAM advisor in advance.

No Early Career Joint Research is offered by Renewable Energy Dynamics Division in 2024.

( 4 ) Standard Joint Research

Joint research related to the research content indicated in “(2) International Joint Research” section is welcome.

( 5 ) Research Workshop

Research Workshops are a joint research category for holding workshops on applicant-proposed research subjects. The workshops should be planned around a well-defined aim, and not only cover lectures and presentations.